资源保存有关如何处理镜像的集群范围信息。该资源存在,但它是只读的,只能通过受支持的工具(如 ROSA CLI (rosa
))进行更改。规范且唯一有效的名称是 cluster
。它可以通过 ROSA CLI (rosa
) 命令在 AWS 托管控制平面上的 Red Hat OpenShift Service 中进行配置。
参数例如 |
ROSA CLI 参数 | 描述 |
允许镜像拉取和推送操作的注册表。要指定所有子域名,请在域名名前添加星号 ( |
没有有效 TLS 证书或仅支持 HTTP 连接的注册表。要指定所有子域名,请在域名名前添加星号 ( |
拒绝镜像拉取和推送操作的注册表。要指定所有子域名,请在域名名前添加星号 ( |
包含确定容器运行时在访问构建和 Pod 的镜像时应如何处理各个注册表的配置。例如,是否允许不安全访问。它不包含内部集群注册表的配置。限制普通用户可以从中导入镜像的容器镜像注册表。格式应为 |
包含注册表主机名作为键,以及每个需要信任的附加注册表 CA 的 PEM 编码证书作为值的 JSON 文件。 |
定义 |
通过运行以下命令创建具有镜像注册表的 ROSA with HCP 集群
$ rosa create cluster —cluster-name=<cluster_name> --sts --mode=auto \
--hosted-cp --operator-roles-prefix <operator_role_prefix> \
--oidc-config-id <id_of_oidc_configuration> \
--subnet-ids=<public_subnet_id>,<private_subnet_id> \
--registry-config-insecure-registries <insecure_registries> \
--registry-config-allowed-registries <allowed_registries> \
--registry-config-allowed-registries-for-import <registry_name:insecure> \
--registry-config-additional-trusted-ca <additional_trusted_ca_file>
使用 避免使用不安全的外部注册表以减少可能的安全风险。参数 |
运行 rosa describe
$ rosa describe cluster --cluster=<cluster_name>
Name: rosa-hcp-test
Domain Prefix: rosa-hcp-test
Display Name: rosa-hcp-test
ID: <cluster_hcp_id>
External ID: <cluster_hcp_id>
Control Plane: ROSA Service Hosted
OpenShift Version: 4.Y.Z
Channel Group: stable
DNS: <dns>
AWS Account: <aws_id>
AWS Billing Account: <aws_id>
API URL: <ocm_api>
Console URL:
Region: us-east-1
- Control Plane: MultiAZ
- Data Plane: SingleAZ
- Compute (desired): 2
- Compute (current): 2
- Type: OVNKubernetes
- Service CIDR: <service_cidr>
- Machine CIDR: <machine_cidr>
- Pod CIDR: <pod_cidr>
- Host Prefix: /23
- Subnets: <subnet_ids>
EC2 Metadata Http Tokens: optional
Role (STS) ARN: arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<account_roles_prefix>-HCP-ROSA-Installer-Role
Support Role ARN: arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<account_roles_prefix>-HCP-ROSA-Support-Role
Instance IAM Roles:
- Worker: arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<account_roles_prefix>-HCP-ROSA-Worker-Role
Operator IAM Roles:
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-kube-system-capa-controller-manager
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-kube-system-control-plane-operator
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-kube-system-kms-provider
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-image-registry-installer-cloud-cred
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-ingress-operator-cloud-credentials
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-cluster-csi-drivers-ebs-cloud-credent
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-cloud-network-config-controller-cloud
Managed Policies: Yes
State: ready
Private: No
Delete Protection: Disabled
Created: Oct 01 2030 09:48:52 UTC
User Workload Monitoring: Enabled
OIDC Endpoint URL: https://<endpoint> (Managed)
Audit Log Forwarding: Disabled
External Authentication: Disabled
Etcd Encryption: Disabled
Registry Configuration:
- Allowed Registries: <allowed_registry> (1) (2)
- Insecure Registries: <insecure_registry> (3)
- Allowed Registries for Import: (4)
- Domain Name: <domain_name> (5)
- Insecure: true (6)
- Platform Allowlist: <platform_allowlist_id> (7)
- Registries: <list_of_registries> (8)
- Additional Trusted CA: (9)
- <registry_name> : REDACTED
1 | 允许的注册表 :允许镜像拉取和推送操作的注册表的逗号分隔列表。 |
2 | 被阻止的注册表 :阻止镜像拉取和推送操作的注册表的逗号分隔列表。参数 allowedRegistries 、blockedRegistries 是互斥的。 |
3 | 不安全的注册表 :没有有效 TLS 证书或仅支持 HTTP 连接的注册表的逗号分隔列表。 |
4 | 允许导入的注册表 :限制普通用户可以从中导入镜像的容器镜像注册表。格式应为 domainName:insecure 的逗号分隔列表。 |
5 | domainName :指定注册表的域名。 |
6 | insecure :指示注册表是否安全。 |
7 | 平台允许列表 :对需要为平台正常工作而列入白名单的注册表列表的 ID 的引用。 |
8 | 注册表 :需要为平台正常工作而列入白名单的注册表列表。 |
9 | 附加可信 CA :包含注册表主机名作为键,以及每个需要信任的附加注册表 CA 的 PEM 编码证书作为值的 JSON 文件。 |
$ oc get nodes
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready,SchedulingDisabled worker 65m v1.30.3 Ready worker 65m v1.30.3 Ready worker 63m v1.30.3
您可以使用 rosa edit
定义 |
您可以更改任何与注册表相关的参数,这将触发所有机器池的滚动更新;所有机器池节点都将被重新创建,然后从每个节点中移除 Pod。 |
$ rosa edit cluster --registry-config-insecure-registries <insecure_registries> \
--registry-config-allowed-registries <allowed_registries> \
--registry-config-allowed-registries-for-import <registry_name:insecure> \
--registry-config-additional-trusted-ca <additional_trusted_ca_file>
? Changing any registry related parameter will trigger a rollout across all machinepools
(all machinepool nodes will be recreated, following pod draining from each node).
Do you want to proceed? Yes
I: Updated cluster '<cluster_name>'
再次运行 rosa describe
$ rosa describe cluster --cluster=<cluster_name>
Name: rosa-hcp-test
Domain Prefix: rosa-hcp-test
Display Name: rosa-hcp-test
ID: <cluster_hcp_id>
External ID: <cluster_hcp_id>
Control Plane: ROSA Service Hosted
OpenShift Version: 4.Y.Z
Channel Group: stable
DNS: <dns>
AWS Account: <aws_id>
AWS Billing Account: <aws_id>
API URL: <ocm_api>
Console URL:
Region: us-east-1
- Control Plane: MultiAZ
- Data Plane: SingleAZ
- Compute (desired): 2
- Compute (current): 2
- Type: OVNKubernetes
- Service CIDR: <service_cidr>
- Machine CIDR: <machine_cidr>
- Pod CIDR: <pod_cidr>
- Host Prefix: /23
- Subnets: <subnet_ids>
EC2 Metadata Http Tokens: optional
Role (STS) ARN: arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<account_roles_prefix>-HCP-ROSA-Installer-Role
Support Role ARN: arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<account_roles_prefix>-HCP-ROSA-Support-Role
Instance IAM Roles:
- Worker: arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<account_roles_prefix>-HCP-ROSA-Worker-Role
Operator IAM Roles:
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-kube-system-capa-controller-manager
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-kube-system-control-plane-operator
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-kube-system-kms-provider
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-image-registry-installer-cloud-cred
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-ingress-operator-cloud-credentials
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-cluster-csi-drivers-ebs-cloud-credent
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/<operator_roles_prefix>-openshift-cloud-network-config-controller-cloud
Managed Policies: Yes
State: ready
Private: No
Delete Protection: Disabled
Created: Oct 01 2030 09:48:52 UTC
User Workload Monitoring: Enabled
OIDC Endpoint URL: https://<endpoint> (Managed)
Audit Log Forwarding: Disabled
External Authentication: Disabled
Etcd Encryption: Disabled
Registry Configuration:
- Allowed Registries: <allowed_registry> (1) (2)
- Insecure Registries: <insecure_registry> (3)
- Allowed Registries for Import: (4)
- Domain Name: <domain_name> (5)
- Insecure: true (6)
- Platform Allowlist: <platform_allowlist_id> (7)
- Registries: <list_of_registries> (8)
- Additional Trusted CA: (9)
- <registry_name> : REDACTED
1 | 允许的注册表 :允许镜像拉取和推送操作的注册表的逗号分隔列表。 |
2 | 被阻止的注册表 :阻止镜像拉取和推送操作的注册表的逗号分隔列表。参数 allowedRegistries 、blockedRegistries 是互斥的。 |
3 | 不安全的注册表 :没有有效 TLS 证书或仅支持 HTTP 连接的注册表的逗号分隔列表。 |
4 | 允许导入的注册表 :限制普通用户可以从中导入镜像的容器镜像注册表。格式应为 domainName:insecure 的逗号分隔列表。 |
5 | domainName :指定注册表的域名。 |
6 | insecure :指示注册表是否安全。 |
7 | 平台允许列表 :对需要为平台正常工作而列入白名单的注册表列表的 ID 的引用。 |
8 | 注册表 :需要为平台正常工作而列入白名单的注册表列表。 |
9 | 附加可信 CA :包含注册表主机名作为键,以及每个需要信任的附加注册表 CA 的 PEM 编码证书作为值的 JSON 文件。 |